Admin Commands

Parameters inside <> are required, unlike parameters in [] which are optional.

/island admin

List all available admin commands.


The permission to use the command is superior.admin

/island admin add <player-name / island-name> <target-name>

Add a player to an island.


player-name: The name of the player to add the target to his island.

island-name: The name of the island to add the target to.

target-name: The name of the target player to add.


The permission to use the command is superior.admin.add

/island admin addblocklimit <player-name / island-name / *> <material> <limit>

Add a block limit to an existing block limit of an island.


player-name: The name of the player to add block limit to his island.

island-name: The name of the island to add block limit to.

*: Add block limits to all islands on the server.

material: The material to add block limit to.

limit: The limit to give to the block limit.


The permission to use the command is superior.admin.addblocklimit

/island admin addbonus <player-name / island-name / *> <worth/level> <amount>

Add a bonus to an existing bonus of an island.


player-name: The name of the player to add bonus to his island.

island-name: The name of the island to add bonus to.

*: Add bonus to all islands on the server.

worth: Add bonus for the worth value of the island.

level: Add bonus for the level value of the island.

amount: The amount of bonus to add.


The permission to use the command is superior.admin.addbonus

/island admin addcooplimit <player-name / island-name / *> <limit>

Add a coop limit to an existing coop limit of an island.


player-name: The name of the player to add coop limit to his island.

island-name: The name of the island to add coop limit to.

*: Add coop limit to all islands on the server.

limit: The limit to add.


The permission to use the command is superior.admin.addcooplimit

/island admin addcropgrowth <player-name / island-name / *> <multiplier>

Add a crop-growth multiplier to an island.


player-name: The name of the player to add crop growth to his island.

island-name: The name of the island to add crop growth to.

*: Add crop growth to all islands on the server.

multiplier: The multiplier to add.


The permission to use the command is superior.admin.addcropgrowth

/island admin adddisbands <player-name> <amount>

Add more disbands to a player.


/island admin givedisbands <player-name> <amount>


player-name: The name of the player to add disbands to.

amount: The amount of disbands to add.


The permission to use the command is superior.admin.givedisbands

/island admin addentitylimit <player-name / island-name / *> <entity> <limit>

Add an entity limit to an existing entity limit of an island.


player-name: The name of the player to add entity limit to his island.

island-name: The name of the island to add entity limit to.

*: Add entity limit to all islands on the server.

entity: The name of the entity type to add limit to.

limit: The limit to add.


The permission to use the command is superior.admin.addentitylimit

/island admin addeffect <player-name / island-name / *> <effect> <level>

Add an island effect to an existing effect level for an island.


player-name: The name of the player to add island effect to his island.

island-name: The name of the island to add island effect to.

*: Add island effect to all islands on the server.

effect: The effect to add.

level: The level of the effect to add.


The permission to use the command is superior.admin.addeffect

/island admin addgenerator <player-name / island-name / *> <material> <value> [world]

Add generator rates to an existing rates of an island.


player-name: The name of the player to add generator rate to his island.

island-name: The name of the island to add generator rate to.

*: Add generator rate to all islands on the server.

material: The block to add rates to.

value: The rate to add.

world: The world to add rates in.


The permission to use the command is superior.admin.addgenerator

/island admin addmobdrops <player-name / island-name / *> <multiplier>

Add a mob-drops multiplier to an island.


player-name: The name of the player to add mob drops to his island.

island-name: The name of the island to add mob drops to.

*: Add mob drops to all islands on the server.

multiplier: The multiplier to add.


The permission to use the command is superior.admin.addmobdrops

/island admin addsize <player-name / island-name> <size>

Add a border size to an existing border size of an island.


player-name: The name of the player to add border size to his island.

island-name: The name of the island to add border size to.

size: The size of border to add.


The permission to use the command is superior.admin.addsize

/island admin addspawnerrates <player-name / island-name / *> <multiplier>

Add a spawner-rate multiplier to an island.


player-name: The name of the player to add spawner rates to his island.

island-name: The name of the island to add spawner rates to.

*: Add spawner rates to all islands on the server.

multiplier: The multiplier to add.


The permission to use the command is superior.admin.addspawnerrates

/island admin addteamlimit <player-name / island-name / *> <limit>

Add a members limit to an existing members limit of an island.


player-name: The name of the player to add members limit to his island.

island-name: The name of the island to add members limit to.

*: Add members limit to all islands on the server.

limit: The limit to add.


The permission to use the command is superior.admin.addteamlimit

/island admin addwarpslimit <player-name / island-name / *> <limit>

Add a warps limit to an existing warps limit of an island.


player-name: The name of the player to add warps limit to his island.

island-name: The name of the island to add warps limit to.

*: Add warps limit to all islands on the server.

limit: The limit to add.


The permission to use the command is superior.admin.addwarpslimit

/island admin bypass

Enable bypass mode. While in bypass mode, you can bypass all island protections.


The permission to use the command is superior.admin.bypass

/island admin chest <player-name / island-name>

Open an island chest of a specific island.


player-name: The name of the player to open island chest of his island.

island-name: The name of an island to open island chest of.


The permission to use the command is superior.admin.chest

/island admin cleargenerator <player-name / island-name / *> [world]

Clear generator rates from an island.


/island admin cg <player-name / island-name / *> [world]


player-name: The name of the player to clear generator rates from his island.

island-name: The name of the island to clear generator rates from.

*: Clear generator rates from all islands on the server.

world: The world to clear rates in.


The permission to use the command is superior.admin.cleargenerator

/island admin close <player-name / island-name>

Close an island to the public.


/is admin lock <player-name / island-name>


player-name: The name of the player to close his island.

island-name: The name of an island to close.


The permission to use the command is superior.admin.close

/island admin cmdall <player-name / island-name / *> <online-filter=true/false> <command>

Execute a command on all the island members of an island.


player-name: The name of the player to execute a command on his island's members.

island-name: The name of the island to execute a command on its members.

online-filter: Whether to execute the command only on online island members.

command: The command to execute You can use {player-name} as a placeholder for the island member's name.


The permission to use the command is superior.admin.cmdall

/is admin count <player-name / island-name> [material]

Check block counts of an island.


player-name: The name of the player to check block counts of his island.

island-name: The name of the island to check block counts of.

material: Check a specific count of a block.


The permission to use the command is superior.admin.count

/island admin delwarp <player-name / island-name> <warp-name>

Delete a warp for an island.


player-name: The name of the player to delete a warp for his island.

island-name: The name of the island to delete a warp for.

warp-name: The name of the warp to delete.


The permission to use the command is superior.admin.delwarp

/island admin demote <player-name>

Demote a player in his island.


player-name: The name of the player to demote.


The permission to use the command is superior.admin.demote

/island admin deposit <player-name / island-name / *> <amount>

Deposit money to the island bank of an island.


player-name: The name of the player to deposit money to his island.

island-name: The name of the island to deposit money to.

*: Deposit money to all islands.

amount: The amount of money to deposit.


The permission to use the command is superior.admin.deposit

/island admin disband <player-name / island-name>

Disband an island.


player-name: The name of the player to disband his island.

island-name: The name of the island to disband.


The permission to use the command is superior.admin.disband

/island admin ignore <player-name / island-name>

Ignore an island from being displayed in the top islands.


player-name: The name of the player to ignore his island.

island-name: The name of the island to ignore.


The permission to use the command is superior.admin.ignore

/island admin join <player-name / island-name>

Join to an island without an invitation.


player-name: The name of the player to join his island.

island-name: The name of the island to join.


The permission to use the command is superior.admin.join

/island admin kick <player-name>

Kick a player from his island.


player-name: The name of the player to kick from his island.


The permission to use the command is superior.admin.kick

/island admin mission <player-name> <complete/reset> <mission-name>

Complete or reset a mission for a player.


player-name: The name of the player to manage the mission to.

complete: Complete the mission for the player.

reset: Reset the mission for the player.

mission-name: The name of the mission to manage.


The permission to use the command is superior.admin.mission

/island admin modules [module-name] [load/unload]

Manage the installed modules.


module-name: The name of the module to manager.

load: Load a module from the folder.

unload: Unload a module from the server.


The permission to use the command is superior.admin.modules

/island admin msg <player-name> <message>

Send a message to a player without prefixes.


player-name: The name of the player to send a message.

message: The message to send to the player.


The permission to use the command is superior.admin.msg

/island admin msgall <player-name / island-name / *> <message>

Send a message to all island members of an island without prefixes.


player-name: The name of the player to send a message to his island's members.

island-name: The name of the island to send a message to its members.

*: Send a message to all players on the server.

message: The message to send to the player.


The permission to use the command is superior.admin.msgall

/island admin name <player-name / island-name> <name>

Set a name to an island.


/island admin setname <player-name / island-name> <name>

/island admin rename <player-name / island-name> <name>


player-name: The name of the player to rename his island.

island-name: The name of the island to rename.

name: The name to set to the island.


The permission to use the command is

/island admin open <player-name / island-name>

Open an island to the public.


/island admin unlock <player-name / island-name>


player-name: The name of the player to open his island.

island-name: The name of the island to open.


The permission to use the command is

/island admin openmenu <player-name> <menu>

Open a menu for a player.


/island admin menu <player-name> <menu>


player-name: The name of the player to open a menu for.

menu: The name of the menu to open.


The permission to use the command is superior.admin.openmenu

/island admin promote <player-name>

Promote a player on his island.


player-name: The name of the player to promote.


The permission to use the command is superior.admin.promote

/island admin purge <cancel/time>

Purge all inactive islands on the server.


cancel: Cancel the next purge.

time: The time of inactivity of islands to purge, in seconds.


The permission to use the command is superior.admin.purge

/island admin rankup <player-name / island-name / *> <upgrade-name>

Rankup an upgrade for an island.


player-name: The name of the player to rankup an upgrade for his island.

island-name: The name of the island to rankup an upgrade for.

*: Rankup an upgrade for all islands on the server.

upgrade-name: The name of the upgrade to rankup.


The permission to use the command is superior.admin.rankup

/island admin recalc [player-name / island-name]

Recalculate worth and level values for an island.


/island admin recalculate [player-name / island-name]

/island admin level [player-name / island-name]


player-name: The name of the player to recalculate his island.

island-name: The name of the island to recalculate.


The permission to use the command is superior.admin.recalc

/island admin reload

Reload all config files and language files.


The permission to use the command is superior.admin.reload

/island admin removeblocklimit <player-name / island-name / *> <material>

Remove a block limit of a block for an island.


player-name: The name of the player to remove block limit from his island.

island-name: The name of the island to remove block limit from.

*: Remove block limit from all islands.

material: The block to remove limit to.


The permission to use the command is superior.admin.removeblocklimit

/island admin removeratings <player-name / island-name / *>

Remove all ratings for an island, or remove ratings of a player from all islands.


/island admin rratings <player-name / island-name / *>

/island admin rr <player-name / island-name / *>


player-name: The name of the player to remove his ratings from all islands.

island-name: The name of the island to remove all ratings from.

*: Remove ratings from all islands.


The permission to use the command is superior.admin.removeratings

/island admin resetworld <player-name / island-name / *> <world>

Reset a world for an island.


/island admin rworld <player-name / island-name / *> <world>


player-name: The name of the player to reset a world for his island.

island-name: The name of the island to reset a world for.

*: Reset a world for all islands.

world: The world to reset. Should be normal, nether or the_end. The world cannot be the default world.


The permission to use the command is superior.admin.resetworld

/island admin schematic [schematic-name]

Toggle schematic mode. While in schematic mode, you can create new schematics.


/island admin schem [schematic-name]


schematic-name: Save a schematic with the given name.


The permission to use the command is superior.admin.schem

/island admin setbanklimit <player-name / island-name / *> <limit>

Set a bank limit for an island.


player-name: The name of the player to set bank limit to his island.

island-name: The name of the island to set bank limit to.

*: Reset a world for all islands.

limit: The limit to set.


The permission to use the command is superior.admin.setbanklimit

/island admin setbiome <player-name / island-name / *> <biome>

Set a biome for an island.


/island admin biome <player-name / island-name / *> <biome>


player-name: The name of the player to set biome to his island.

island-name: The name of the island to set biome to.

*: Reset a world for all islands.

biome: The biome to set.


The permission to use the command is superior.admin.setbiome

/island admin setblockamount <world> <x> <y> <z> <amount>

Set an amount for a stacked block.


/island admin setblocksize <world> <x> <y> <z> <amount>


world: The world of the stacked block.

x: The x-coords of the stacked block.

y: The y-coords of the stacked block.

z: The z-coords of the stacked block.

amount: The amount to set to the stacked block.


The permission to use the command is superior.admin.setblockamount

/island admin setblocklimit <player-name / island-name / *> <material> <limit>

Set a block limit of a block for an island.


player-name: The name of the player to set block limit to his island.

island-name: The name of the island to set block limit to.

*: Set block limit to all islands.

material: The block to set the limit to.

limit: The limit to set.


The permission to use the command is superior.admin.setblocklimit

/island admin setbonus <player-name / island-name / *> <worth/level> <bonus>

Set a bonus for an island.


/island admin bonus <player-name / island-name / *> <worth/level> <bonus>


player-name: The name of the player to set bonus to his island.

island-name: The name of the island to set bonus to.

*: Set bonus to all islands.

worth: Set the bonus to the worth value of the island.

level: Set the bonus to the level value of the island.

bonus: The bonus to set.


The permission to use the command is superior.admin.setbonus

/island admin setchestrow <player-name / island-name / *> <page> <rows>

Set number of rows to a chest page for an island.


player-name: The name of the player to set chest rows to his island.

island-name: The name of the island to set chest rows to.

*: Set chest rows to all islands.

page: The page to set rows to.

rows: The amount of rows to set.


The permission to use the command is superior.admin.setchestrow

/island admin setcooplimit <player-name / island-name / *> <limit>

Set a coop limit for an island.


player-name: The name of the player to set coop limit to his island.

island-name: The name of the island to set coop limit to.

*: Set coop limit to all islands.

limit: The limit set.


The permission to use the command is superior.admin.setcooplimit

/island admin setcropgrowth <player-name / island-name / *> <multiplier>

Set a crop-growth multiplier to an island.


player-name: The name of the player to set crop growth to his island.

island-name: The name of the island to set crop growth to.

*: Set crop growth to all islands on the server.

multiplier: The multiplier to set.


The permission to use the command is superior.admin.setcropgrowth

/island admin setdisbands <player-name / *> <amount>

Set the amount of disbands for a player.


player-name: The name of the player to set disbands to.

*: Set disbands to all players.

amount: The amount of disbands to set.


The permission to use the command is superior.admin.setdisbands

/island admin seteffect <player-name / island-name / *> <effect> <level>

Set an island effect to an existing effect level for an island.


player-name: The name of the player to set island effect to his island.

island-name: The name of the island to set island effect to.

*: Set island effect to all islands on the server.

effect: The effect to set.

level: The level of the effect to set.


The permission to use the command is superior.admin.seteffect

/island admin setentitylimit <player-name / island-name / *> <entity> <limit>

Set an entity limit of an entity to an island.


player-name: The name of the player to set entity limit to his island.

island-name: The name of the island to set entity limit to.

*: Set entity limit to all islands.

entity: The entity to set limit to.

limit: The limit set.


The permission to use the command is superior.admin.setentitylimit

/island admin setgenerator <player-name / island-name / *> <material> <value> [world]

Set generator rates to an island.


player-name: The name of the player to set generator rate to his island.

island-name: The name of the island to set generator rate to.

*: Set generator rate to all islands on the server.

material: The block to set rates to.

value: The rate to set.

world: The world to set rates in.


The permission to use the command is superior.admin.setgenerator

/island admin setleader <leader> <new-leader>

Change leadership of an island.


leader: The name of the current island leader.

new-leader: The name of the new leader to set.


The permission to use the command is superior.admin.setleader

/island admin setmobdrops <player-name / island-name / *> <multiplier>

Set a mob-drops multiplier to an island.


player-name: The name of the player to set mob drops to his island.

island-name: The name of the island to set mob drops to.

*: Set mob drops to all islands on the server.

multiplier: The multiplier to set.


The permission to use the command is superior.admin.setmobdrops

/island admin setpermission <player-name / island-name / *> <permission> <island-role>

Change permission for an island-role for an island.


/island admin setperm <player-name / island-name / *> <permission> <island-role>


player-name: The name of the player to change permission to his island.

island-name: The name of the island to change permission to.

*: Change permission to all islands.

permission: The permission to change.

island-role: The new island role that will have the permission.


The permission to use the command is superior.admin.setpermission

/island admin setrate <player-name / island-name> <target> <rating>

Change rating of a player to an island.


player-name: The name of the player to change rating to his island.

island-name: The name of the island to change rating to.

target: The name of the player to change his rating.

rating: The new rating to set.


The permission to use the command is superior.admin.setrate

/island admin setrolelimit <player-name / island-name / *> <island-role> <limit>

Set a role limit to an island.


player-name: The name of the player to set role limit to his island.

island-name: The name of the island to set role limit to.

*: Set role limit to all islands.

island-role: The role to set limit to.

limit: The limit to set.


The permission to use the command is superior.admin.setrolelimit

/island admin setsettings <player-name / island-name / *> <island-flag> <true/false>

Change island-flag for an island.


player-name: The name of the player to change island flag to his island.

island-name: The name of the island to change island flag to.

*: Change island flags to all islands.

island-flag: The island-flag to change.

true: Enable the island flag on the island.

false: Disable the island flag on the island.


The permission to use the command is superior.admin.setsettings

/island admin setsize <player-name / island-name / *> <size>

Set the border size of an island.


/island admin setislandsize <player-name / island-name / *> <size>

/island admin setbordersize <player-name / island-name / *> <size>


player-name: The name of the player to set border size to his island.

island-name: The name of the island to set border size to.

*: Set border size to all islands.

size: The size of border to set.


The permission to use the command is superior.admin.setsize

/island admin setspawn

Change the spawn location of the plugin.


The permission to use the command is superior.admin.setspawn

/island admin setspawnerrates <player-name / island-name / *> <multiplier>

Set a spawner-rate multiplier to an island.


player-name: The name of the player to set spawner rates to his island.

island-name: The name of the island to set spawner rates to.

*: Set spawner rates to all islands on the server.

multiplier: The multiplier to set.


The permission to use the command is superior.admin.setspawnerrates

/island admin setteamlimit <player-name / island-name / *> <limit>

Set the members limit of an island.


player-name: The name of the player to set members limit to his island.

island-name: The name of the island to set members limit to.

*: Set members limit to all islands.

limit: The limit to set.


The permission to use the command is superior.admin.setteamlimit

/island admin settings

Open an in-game config editor.


The permission to use the command is superior.admin.settings

/island admin setupgrade <player-name / island-name> <upgrade-name> <level>

Set level of an upgrade for an island.


player-name: The name of the player to set upgrade level to his island.

island-name: The name of the island to set upgrade level to.

upgrade: The name of the upgrade to set its level.

level: The level to set.


The permission to use the command is superior.admin.setupgrade

/island admin setwarpslimit <player-name / island-name / *> <limit>

Set the warps limit of an island.


player-name: The name of the player to set warps limit to his island.

island-name: The name of the island to set warps limit to.

*: Set warps limit to all islands.

limit: The limit to set.


The permission to use the command is superior.admin.setwarpslimit

/island admin show <player-name / island-name>

Show information about an island.


player-name: The name of the player to show information about his island.

island-name: The name of the island to show information about.


The permission to use the command is

/island admin spawn [player-name]

Teleport to spawn.


player-name: The name of the player to teleport.


The permission to use the command is superior.admin.spawn

/island admin syncupgrades <player-name / island-name / *>

Sync the multipliers and limits of an island with the upgrades. It will remove any value that was set with a command from the island.


player-name: The name of the player to sync upgrades for his island.

island-name: The name of the island to sync upgrades for.

*: Sync upgrades or all islands.


The permission to use the command is superior.admin.syncupgrades

/island admin spy

Toggle chat spy mode. While in spy mode, you can see messages of island-chats of other islands.


The permission to use the command is superior.admin.spy

/island admin stats

Show statistics aout the plugin.


The permission to use the command is superior.admin.stats

/island admin teleport <player-name / island-name> [normal/nether/the_end]

Teleport to an island.


/island admin tp <player-name / island-name> [normal/nether/the_end]

/island admin go <player-name / island-name> [normal/nether/the_end]

/island admin visit <player-name / island-name> [normal/nether/the_end]


player-name: The name of the player to teleport to his island.

island-name: The name of the island to teleport to.

normal: Teleport to the overworld world of the island.

nether: Teleport to the nether world of the island.

the_end: Teleport to the end world of the island.


The permission to use the command is superior.admin.teleport

/island admin title <player-name> <fade-in> <duration> <fade-out> -title [message] -subtitle [message]

Send a title to a player.


player-name: The name of the player to send the title to.

fade-in: The fade-in time of the title, in ticks.

duration: The duration time of the title, in ticks.

fade-out: The fade-out time of the title, in ticks.

title: The title contents to send.

subtitle: The subtitle contents to send.


The permission to use the command is superior.admin.title

/island admin titleall <player-name / island-name / *> <fade-in> <duration> <fade-out> -title [message] -subtitle [message]

Send a title to all island members of an island.


player-name: The name of the player to send the title to his island's members.

island-name: The name of the island to send the title to its members.

*: Send the title to all the players.

fade-in: The fade-in time of the title, in ticks.

duration: The duration time of the title, in ticks.

fade-out: The fade-out time of the title, in ticks.

title: The title contents to send.

subtitle: The subtitle contents to send.


The permission to use the command is superior.admin.titleall

/island admin unignore <player-name / island-name>

Remove an island from being ignored from the top islands.


player-name: The name of the player to unignore his island.

island-name: The name of the island to unignore.


The permission to use the command is superior.admin.unignore

/island admin unlockworld <player-name / island-name / *> <normal/nether/the_end> <true/false>

Unlock a world for an island.


/island admin world <player-name / island-name / *> <normal/nether/the_end> <true/false>

/island admin uworld <player-name / island-name / *> <normal/nether/the_end> <true/false>


player-name: The name of the player to unlock a world for his island.

island-name: The name of the island to unlock a world for.

*: Unlock a world to all islands.

normal: Unlock the overworld world for the island.

nether: Unlock the nether world for the island.

the_end: Unlock the end world for the island.

true: Unlock the world for the island.

false: Lock the world for the island.


The permission to use the command is

/island admin withdraw <player-name / island-name> <amount>

Withdraw money from the island bank of an island.


player-name: The name of the player to withdraw money from his island.

island-name: The name of the island to withdraw money from.

amount: The amount of money to withdraw.


The permission to use the command is superior.admin.withdraw

Last updated

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