
Menus (guis) are used in the plugin in many cases, and they are all fully customizable. In this documentation, you will understand how to edit them to your own style!

Editing the menu's style

You have the ability to edit the style of the menu, which includes its title, its type and the amount of rows it has.

Note: Some menus might have additional custom fields that are not addressed in this tutorial. (i.e. Schematics)

Field Name


Supported Menus


Custom title for the menu. Supports color codes, 1.16+ codes and placeholders

All menus


The type of the menu. A list of inventory types can be found here.

All menus


Whether or not the previous menu should be opened when closing this menu.

All menus


A sound that will be played when opening the menu. Should follow the sound format.

All menus


The back button of the menu. This is required if only-back-button is enabled.

All menus


The previous page button for paged menus.

Paged menus


The display item of the current page of the menu.

Paged menus


The next page button for paged menus.

Paged menus


The item symbol that will be used for the paged menu contents (warps, members, etc)

Paged menus

Besides all of these fields, there is another field that is really important - pattern. This field determines the pattern of the menu, or in other words - the amount of rows that the menu has and the items in the menu. This field is a list of strings that represents the rows of the menu. Each string should contain the amount of columns the menu has. (Regular menu types should have 9 items in a row, hoppers should have 5, etc.) Each item in the menu is represented by a unique character, and can be set in any slot in the menu. Similar chars will represent the same item.

Pattern Examples

The following menu has 1 row with a similar item that is represented by the char A:

- 'A A A A A A A A A'

The following example has 5 rows, with a similar item as a border, and is filled with another item:

- 'A A A A A A A A A'
- 'A B B B B B B B A'
- 'A B B B B B B B A'
- 'A B B B B B B B A'
- 'A A A A A A A A A'

Editing items in the menu

All the items styling is done under the items section in the menu. Under this section, each item should have a section where you can style it to your own liking. The name of the section is the unique char you chose for your item. For the examples above, the unique chars are A and B. Therefore, the items section will be like the following:

    ... # All the item's settings
    ... # All the item's settings

Each item can be configured as you wish, and can have as many settings as you wish from the list down below.

Note: SuperiorSkyblock only supports material names, ids are not supported. You can find material names here.

Field Name



The material type of the item.


The data value of the item. Used in versions 1.12 or below to determine different items.


Custom name for the item (supports color codes)


A list of lines for the lore of the item (supports color codes)


A section for all enchantments. Each enchantment will have a different sub-section, with the level of the ench as a value.


Whether or not the item should have enchanted effect without having an enchantment in its lore.


A list of item flags to be applied for the item. Supported in 1.9+, and can be found here.


Base64 value for the skin of the skull, if this item is a player's head item. This can be obtained here.


Set the spigot's unbreakable flag for the item.


A list of potion effects that will be applied for the item. More information about it below.


Set the entity of the item, if it's a spawn egg. Replaces the usage of data values for legacy versions.


Set a custom model data for items. This is used to set custom textures for the items using custom resource packs. Supported in 1.14+


Set a custom color for a piece of leather armor, in hex format.

Effects Section

The effects section is used to add effects for potion items. Each effect will have it's own section, and two custom sub-sections: duration and amplifier. Here is an example for a potion item with a speed 2 effect that lasts for 5 minutes:

  type: POTION
    # Add speed effect to the potion
      # The duration of the effect, in seconds
      duration: 300
      # The amplifier of the effect. Calculated as the desired level - 1.
      amplifier: 1

Giving sounds to items

You can make items to play sounds when clicked. All sounds must follow a specific format, which will be described below. Similar to the way items are configured, the sounds go under the sounds section, and as sub-sections, each char of the item you want to apply a custom sound for. The sound sections should have the following fields:

Field Name



The sound to play.


The volume of the sound.


The pitch of the sound.

An example for a custom sound for the item A:

    volume: 0.2
    pitch: 0.2

Running custom commands

You can make commands to be executed when clicking items. Similar to the sounds and the items sections, you can use the commands section to execute custom commands. Commands can be executed by the Console, or can be executed by the player that clicks the item. Besides that, you can use %player% to get the name of the player that clicked the item.

Execute Commands by the Player: You can make the player to execute the command instead of the Console by having [player] at the start of the command.

Execute Island Commands: You can execute island commands by setting the subcommand in brackets. [player] [tp] will make the player to execute /is tp. For a command with args, simply add the args outside of the brackets.

Execute Custom Commands: You can execute custom commands by simply writing them without / at the start. bc &cHello! will execute /bc &cHello! by the Console.

Built-in Actions: The plugin provides two custom actions that can be executed - close the menu and go back to the previous menu. Similar to the player action, you can use [close] to close the menu, and [back] to go to the previous menu.

Permissions Section

You can add required permissions for items that players must have before they can click the items. All permissions must follow a specific format, which will be described below. Similar to the way items are configured, the permissions go under the permissions section, and as sub-sections, each char of the item you want to apply a required permission for. The permissions sections should have the following fields:

Field Name



The permission that will be required from player.


Sound that will be played to the player when the player is missing the permission.

An example for a custom permission for using the item A:

    permission: 'my.custom.permission'
      volume: 0.2
      pitch: 0.2

It's recommended for you to follow the default format of menus when you edit them. This will make your life much more easier when working with menus!

Creating custom menus

You can make custom menus that will be opened by custom sub-commands. The principles of the regular menus are also applied to the custom menus. Simply create a new file under the custom folder - each file represents a custom menu. Besides the regular fields of the other menus, custom menus must have the following fields:

Field Name


Required Field


The sub-command that will be used to open the menu (/island {your-sub-command}).



A list of aliases for the command, splitted by , .



Custom permission that players need to have in order to execute the command.



A list of descriptions for different languages for the command. The description is displayed in /is help.



Whether or not the command should be displayed in /is help.


Command Section

The command section needs to be formatted properly for the plugin to be able to register your custom menu. Here is an example of a properly set up command section:

  aliases: alias1, alias2
  permission: 'your.permission'
  display-command: true
    en-US: 'This is just a test menu.'
    fr-FR: 'Il s''agit du menu de test.'

Note: The name of your custom menu file will be your sub-command (/is {your-sub-command}).

Description Section

The description section should have sub-sections for each language, and the description for that language as a value. For example:

  # Custom description for the command for English.
  en-US: 'This is a custom command to open a custom menu'
  # Custom description for the command for France.
  fr-FR: ...

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